Most viewed

Norwalk Yard103 views

Brazilian CTC Contract103 views

Fair Street103 views

New Haven Consolidation103 views

B'way 7th Ave. Line 34th St. to 96th St.103 viewsTimes Square - 72nd St. - 96th St.

Grand Central UR Interlocking - Lexington Ave.103 views

13th St. Birmingham Tower - Type F interlocking103 viewsView looking north from Tower showing relay case, terminal case, dwarf signal and switch movements attached to Hayes derail

13th St. Birmingham Tower - Type F interlocking103 viewsView looking south with signal bride in foreground

Eastbound Yard from top of flood lighting tower at hump103 views

General view of Clearing Classification Yard103 views

Middle siding layout in platform area103 views

Southeast, southwest, and southern approaches during construction103 views

Tower "A" and layout looking north from draw bridge - Boston Terminal103 views

John Poremba103 views

Intermittent Inductive train stop Inductor with side cut away to show moulded rubber coils in position103 views

E.P. Train Stop103 views

UR Control machine - N.Y.C.T.A. B'way 7th avenue line 34th street to 96th street103 views

Carrier Frequency Telephone (DU-35086) (Turkey)103 views

Carrier Frequency Telephone (DU-35086) (Turkey)103 views

Automatic Train Operation (Columbia Geneva)103 views

Automatic Train Operation (Columbia Geneva)103 views

Galesburg car retarder installation - C.B. & Q. RR103 views

Looking north at north end Leipsic - No. Lima to Roachton CTC - B. & O. R.R.103 views

Southbound signal, governing crossovers, Deshler, Ohio - No. Lima to Roachton CTC - B. & O. R.R.103 views

Westbound passenger at signal bridge near Seward, Pa. - P.R.R.103 views

T-20 Switch Movement103 views

Sewell - MacDougal102 views

Aden - Olive Hill102 views

Drew - Chevoit102 views

Union Ave., Installation, Chicago102 views

96th Street power rack #23 (front)102 views

Weston - Glen Moore102 views
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